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An Intern’s Perspective: Modernizing the United States’ Electrical Grid

Charles Madary Charles is a Senior at Penn State University – Berks studying Electro-Mechanical Engineering. The United States’ electrical grid is comprised of a vast network of power plants, transmission

An Intern’s Perspective: Boston University’s MAMA Bear

Quin Slifer Quin is a senior at Lafayette College studying Mechanical Engineering. Inside a laboratory of Boston University a robot designs, 3D prints, and then hydraulically crushes a 1 inch

An Intern’s Perspective: Human Exploration Using Artificial Intelligence

Marisol Alonso Hernandez Marisol is a senior at Alvernia University studying Electrical Engineering. For decades, humans have tried to explore every inch of the ocean and as much as they

An Intern’s Perspective: Autonomous Flight

Alexandria Rhoads Alexandria is a junior at Penn State University studying Aerospace Engineering. In the 121 years since the Wright brothers first flew their glider in Kittyhawk, the aerospace industry

An Intern’s Perspective: Starlink’s Megaconstellation

Ethan Martin Ethan is a senior at the University of Pittsburgh studying Mechanical Engineering Starting in 2019 Elon Musk and Starlink sent 60 satellites into low orbit as the start

Women in Engineering: An Interview with Samantha Owens

Engineering is for everyone. RPA Engineering is proud to empower Women in Engineering and hopes to inspire future generations of women in STEM. Through this series, we celebrate engineering professionals

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